Implementation of online learing in the Czech prison service staff initial training at the czech prison service academy Modern forms of adult education in the times of covid


  • František Vlach


Initial training, online education, the Czech Prison Service Academy, the Prison Service of the Czech Republic


This paper deals with implementation of online training of new uniformed and civilian staff of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. The process of online education including its difficulties and challenges that have had to be responded by the Academy management and teachers is described. This paper also presents experience in organizing international online conferences within prison services and virtual English lessons for selected employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite

Vlach, F. (2020). Implementation of online learing in the Czech prison service staff initial training at the czech prison service academy Modern forms of adult education in the times of covid. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 4(2), 48–58. Retrieved from