Student, parent, teacher during and after the pandemic open model for examining the new situation - self-analysis


  • Dušana Bieleszová School mediator and editor Wolters Kluwer SR


In the article we deal with the current topic in terms of an open model of research into the new situation related to the pandemic and subsequent emergency measures, which brought the interruption of teachings in schools. The article was created in consultation with prof. PhDr. Vladimir Labath, PhD. trainer in the field of mediation, communication, group dynamics, stress management, with Mgr. Michal Božík, a psychologist who deals with the topic of video games and online education, with Adam Kováč, a peer mediator and student of the Joint Church School in Snina, and other experts and pupils in the discussion of the situation.



How to Cite

Bieleszová, D. (2021). Student, parent, teacher during and after the pandemic open model for examining the new situation - self-analysis. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 4(2), 28–35. Retrieved from