The ethical reflection of liquid modernityin the context of thinking of Zygmunt Bauman


  • Pavol Fandli Department of Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Trnava in Trnava


liquid modernity, consumism, freedom, society, luquid surveillance


This contribution reflects liquid modernity and some forms, which are aserious threat to our dignity and anonymity. In the article, we want to mention about hidden motives within the liquid modernity, which represents the current phase of progress of our society, which is aform of degeneration. The purpose of the article is primarily to inform us about the basic problems which are in relation with the current situation in society. The reflection of the postmodern will be guided in acritical way in the article, which will try to make visible the very facts that, in our opinion, deserve more attention for discussion. The aim of the paper is, in the light of this fact, to stimulate reflection and analysis on the topic of liquid modernity and its individual components, which include the loss of anonymity and liquid supervision. The primary source and starting point is the work of sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, of whose work and thought content the article consists.



How to Cite

Fandli, P. (2020). The ethical reflection of liquid modernityin the context of thinking of Zygmunt Bauman. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 4(2), 6–14. Retrieved from