Andragogy of people with intellectual disabilities in Poland, the practical approach


  • Jerzy Wolny Kolegium Nauk Społecznychi Filologii Obcych Politechniki Śląskiej


andragogy, special education, adulthood, intellectual disability, education, development, support, social functioning, revalidation, rehabilitation


Andragogy, as a pedagogy division, deals with upbringing and education of adults (see Encyklopedia PWN 2016). It therefore focuses on forms of education of adolescent youth and adults, and its research problems regard complex issues of education, self-education, upbringing and self-upbringing.

In case of special andragogy the difference is only in the subject of its interest i.e. “... it deals with [afoer mentioned problems] of the working youth and adults with disabilities or socially maladjusted, with regard to their revalidation and resocialisation” (Stochmiałek, in Dykcik 2001). In case of special andragogy a separate question is functioning in the area of personal and social development of the disabled and socially maladjusted adults, with regard to their revalidation and resocialisation, as well as supporting them in personal crises, and legal regulations on giving support to adults, who temporarily or permanently require assistance to properly function in adult life. Other problems are connected with the differences resulting directly from peculiarity of their functioning due to their disability, as the aurally impaired people experience different difficulties from the socially maladjusted, or people with intellectual disabilities, epecially moderate or severe disabilities. From the point of view of special androgogy's tasks, the area that seems the most challenging to describe is certainly the question of educating and upbringing the adults with severe intellectual disability.

Another important matter in the subject discussed here is the question of describing and defining adulthood, taking into account its various aspects like emotional, physical, intellectual, interpersonal or other maturity, especially in the context of disabled people.

In this work an attempt is made to describe problems concerning education and organising support of development of adults with moderate and severe intellectual disability in formal and nonformal education in Poland. This subject has been chosen due to the fact that this particular group of disabled adults are subject to various resolutions in scope of the programme and organisation of education, as well as their particular educational needs.


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How to Cite

Wolny, J. (2017). Andragogy of people with intellectual disabilities in Poland, the practical approach. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 1(1), 30–39. Retrieved from