Cave 3D - world of virtual ( and real ) dreams of disabled children about rehabilitation in a play - pedagogical approach


  • Barbara Grzyb Kolegium Nauk Społecznych i Filologii ObcychPolitechnika Śląska


Cave 3D, disability, therapy, rehabilitation


The article presents the application of Virtual Reality Technology in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Important areas that are discussed are issues concerning the impact of the 3D Cave on cognitive and motor structures. The defined model of  the impact allows the author to unequivocally state that both the scope and the extent of the 3D Cave influence on improving the competence of children are in fact versatile. Reaching more precise opinions, resulting from the so far conducted observations,  the author recognizes a number of positive results of the 3D technology impact on diverse spheres of improvement. Modern trends of technical solutions meeting the satisfaction of human needs become an important area of research that require a broader complement of progressive issues, especially when they concern children with special educational needs.


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How to Cite

Grzyb, B. (2017). Cave 3D - world of virtual ( and real ) dreams of disabled children about rehabilitation in a play - pedagogical approach. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 1(1), 20–29. Retrieved from