Editorial Policies

Open Access Policy

Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Article submission charge or Article processing charge (is not required from authors - publishing is free of charge.

Ethics Policy

Ethical principles for download

The journal DAC follows the publication ethics policy according COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines.The Publication Ethics guidelines cover duties of editors, reviewers, authors and the publisher.

All research involving human subjects presented in the submitted manuscripts must have been carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 (amended 2013) and the text of manuscript must contain statements that the research was approved by an ethics committee, and that informed consent was signed by the subjects, refer to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Protection of Research Participants.

It is used the “Inclusive language” acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Manuscripts should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, should contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of race, sex, culture or any other characteristic.

Conflict of Interest

All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interests including financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work.

Submission of the Manuscript

Submission of the manuscript implies that contain original text that has not previously been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication nor will be submitted elsewhere until the final decision and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere. The journal uses double-blind review, which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. 

Sending to DaP takes place either completely online, Make a new submission, or it is possible to send it by e-mail to dap@palestra.cz. All correspondence, including notices of editorial decisions and requests for revisions, is made by e-mail.

Before submitting a contribution, please ensure the following items are present:

  • British and American English are permitted, but their usage must be consistent throughout the document.
  • Please make sure that in accordance with the Manuscript Structure and Format Guidelines, the manuscript includes all the sections: Title; Abstract; Keywords; References; and Contact.
  • All figures and tables cited are clearly labeled with numbers and headings, and they are referenced in the text under the correct number.
  • All references cited in the reference list are cited in the text.
  • Permission has been obtained to use copyrighted material from other sources.
  • References are in the correct ISO 690 format.
  • One author with contact information (email, address, and phone) has been designated as the corresponding author.
  • Two potential reviewers and their contact information (email, address) are listed at the end of the manuscript. Please note that the editor retains the exclusive right to decide whether the suggested reviewers will be used or not.
  • The authors' contributions to data collection, data processing, formulation, etc., in preparing the contribution are specified.

All submissions are initially evaluated by the journal's editorial board.

In case of suspected plagiarism, submissions are checked using available plagiarism detection tools with subsequent evaluation by the editors.

Submissions are then sent for review by two independent reviewers.

Journal Ethical guidelines

Ethical principles for download

The DaC journal adheres to the publication ethics guidelines according to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The publication ethics guidelines cover the obligations of editors, reviewers, authors, and publishers.

All research involving human subjects presented in the submitted manuscripts must be carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 (revised in 2013), and the manuscript must contain a statement that the research was approved by an ethical committee and that informed consent was obtained from the signed subjects, see ICMJE recommendations for the protection of research participants.


Author ethical guidelines

Authors must follow the guidelines for authors listed in the submission requirements.

Authors are fully responsible for the originality, quality, and completeness of the published data.

Authors are responsible for proper citation and referencing of primary sources of cited information and data.

The authors are responsible for ensuring that all listed co-authors have significantly contributed to the work.

The authors guarantee that the work does not contain any unlawful content and that no proprietary or copyright laws have been violated.

The authors ensure that the research they publish has been conducted in accordance with relevant internationally recognized guidelines (e.g., the Helsinki Declaration) and that the ICMJE recommendations for the protection of research participants have been followed.

All authors confirm that the work has not been concurrently submitted elsewhere for publication and agree that if accepted by DaC, it will not be sent elsewhere for publication.

The authors have the right to dispose of their work in any way but are obligated to cite the original publication.

All authors confirm that all potential conflicts of interest that could be the subject of financial conflict in connection with the submitted article have been disclosed.

By submitting their manuscripts, the authors agree that the articles will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).

If the authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in a published text, they must immediately inform the editor or publisher of the journal and actively cooperate with them in its withdrawal, or publication of a notice of subsequent correction of the article.

The authors are obligated to adhere to the international standards outlined in the COPE document: Responsible Research Publication: International Standards for Authors.

The corresponding author guarantees that all listed co-authors consent to the submission of the manuscript to DaC and are fully informed about it.

Ethical principles - Reviewers

By accepting the processing of a peer review, the reviewer confirms that they are an independent expert and will adhere to the set deadlines.

They will treat the information contained in the submitted, unpublished contribution as confidential and ensure that it is not passed on to a third party or used for personal gain.

If they become aware of a possible conflict of interest or have a reasonable suspicion of plagiarism, they will report this to the editor and actively cooperate with the editor.

They will write a review that helps the author improve the quality of their work.

Reviewers are obligated to point out any significant missing titles related to the topic. At the same time, they must inform the editor of any significant similarity between the reviewed text and other information sources.

Reviewers are obligated to adhere to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Ethical principles - Editors

undergo initial review by the editorial board of the journal, which ensures subsequent double-blind peer review by at least two independent reviewers.

All information, manuscripts, and reviews are treated as confidential materials and are not disseminated outside the editorial board. The editors guarantee the anonymity of the reviewers (blind review) and ensure unbiased and independent assessment of the manuscripts, which are evaluated solely based on their scientific content and compliance with ethical codes.

The editors are responsible for decisions related to the publication of individual manuscripts. They have full authority to accept, reject, or request revisions of the manuscripts. The editors are familiar with the latest practices and tools for detecting plagiarism to effectively combat this unethical practice.

Articles confirmed as false or seriously incorrect are withdrawn. The decision to withdraw an article is always discussed and approved by the editorial board. In case of withdrawal, the article is clearly identified, and the reasons for withdrawal are provided.

In collaboration with the publisher, the editors of DaC publish corrections, explanations, errors, or apologies. The editors of DaC are obliged to follow the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors published by COPE.

Ethical principles - Publisher


We protect the intellectual property and copyrights of the Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions journal, its brands, authors, and publishing partners by presenting and preserving the final published version of each article. The Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions journal guarantees the integrity and transparency of individual published articles with regard to conflicts of interest, publication and research ethics, cases of publication and research misconduct, confidentiality of information, authorship, corrections, clarifications, article retractions, and timely publication of content.

In case of suspected or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publishing, or plagiarism, the publisher, in close collaboration with the chief editors, takes all necessary steps to clarify the situation and correct the relevant article. Part of this procedure is the prompt publication of a correction notice and, in the most serious cases, the retraction of the affected work and publication of an apology.

The publisher actively collaborates with editors and the editorial board and ensures, through all available means, access to the latest possibilities and technologies for detecting plagiarism and other unfair publishing practices.