Burnout syndrome among nursery school teachers and pri-mary schools


  • Irena Smetáčková Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University


Burnout syndrome, stress, teachers, nursery school, primary school


Burnout syndrome is caused by long-term stress, which is increasing in helping professions, including in teaching. The article presents the results of current research on teacher burnout in Czech kindergartens (n = 867) and elementary schools (n = 2394). Burnout was measured by the Shirom-Melamed scale of burnout as well as direct questions. The article focuses on the comparison of burnout rates among nursery school teachers, primary schools and secondary schools. Burnout rate is related to selected personal and professional characteristics (gender / gender, length of practice, satisfaction with relationships and supervision). The analysis showed that without signs of burnout, the most teachers are in kindergartens.

Článek vznikl v rámci výzkumů finančně podpořených Grantovou agenturou ČR (GA16-21302S) a Technologickou agenturou ČR (TAČR TL01000399).


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How to Cite

Smetáčková, I. (2019). Burnout syndrome among nursery school teachers and pri-mary schools. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 3(2), 27–40. Retrieved from https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/dap/article/view/192