Using young sports food supplements


  • Hana Bubníková College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Ltd.


nutrition, sport, food supplement, sports youth


The paper analyzes a study that contains dietary supplementation in children and adolescents aged 11-19 years. The concept of work has been developed, focusing on the occurrence and type of use dietary supplements in sports youth. There are extensive spectrum of documents that the use of food supplements in sport for men, women, women and men who are interested in it children and adolescents. According to this study, most of the young athletes are currently at the most vitamin C and minerals. The motivational element for using supplementary food in children is Prevention Prevention Health and Disease Treatment. Another motivational factor in using sports supplements for all types and uses of energy, with the best prospects sports performance of energy drinks. Accessories freely accessible to young athletes are often used to improve sports performance, or to regenerate Creatine, BCCA, Multivitamins, Vitamin C., Protein Bars and Proteins; regular use by young athletes. Their consumption is growing thanks to the big and in media. This study contains basic information on function and side effects sports accessories for young athletes. Former in the Czech Republic, currently, with a focus on services, and therefore, requirements for ancillary services should be taken into account in the Czech Republic. This large study has not been in the Czech Republic yet.


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How to Cite

Bubníková, H. (2019). Using young sports food supplements. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 3(1), 18–23. Retrieved from