Ethics in the helping professions – its value roots and timeless service life


  • Helena Hrehová Department of Ethics and Moral Philosophy Trnava University in Trnava


Ethics, Moral, Humanity, Helping Professions


The paper reflects the impact of ethics on helping professions. Therefore, the value pillars (historical context background) of the understanding of humanity are highlighted in the text. Even today, they give the ethics the certain amount of latitude, but only within the borders of the law, based on generally accepted principles. The author asks: Why the 21st century civilized society shows so many ethical concerns? Is the concept of the classic human identical with the current concept of humanitarian? Is the decision-making process "for the truth and the good" too complicated in the current context? How can the liberal-multicultural society align the validated requirements with the specific options? Are postmodern people only outwardly united, but inwardly too alone in their decisions for the greater good? The end of the paper emphasizes the idea that a person, regardless the epoch in which he lives is ethically qualified not by thoughts, but by what and how he acts. Helping professions are from this point of view the result of the reflection of the need to constantly replace egoism with altruism and protect human life not because it is the normative possibility, but because it is, with the respect for human dignity, the timeless obligation.


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How to Cite

Hrehová, H. (2018). Ethics in the helping professions – its value roots and timeless service life. Diagnostics and Consultancy in Assisting Professions, 2(2), 7–17. Retrieved from