Supervision in schools the perspective of supervisors
DOI:íčová slova:
Schools, teachers, professional development, supervisionAbstrakt
The text presents the supervisors’ view on the specifics of group supervision meetings with teachers. Supervision is a form of non-specific professional development that deepens understanding of complex pedagogical situations and, through that, strengthens the ability of (self) reflection, emotional regulation, communication, and cooperation with other teachers, etc. Through 20 interviews with supervisors working at schools, the specifics of teacher supervision groups, perceived obstacles on the part of teachers and schools, and professional dilemmas faced by the supervisors themselves were mapped out. The interviews show that supervisors believe the main challenge for teachers lies in the inadequate expectations surrounding supervision, which instils fear of control and evaluation among teachers. This concern stems from the lack of knowledge about supervision, as well as the isolated nature of teaching work and the prevalence of evaluation in schools. To ensure effective supervision, it is important to establish a safe environment in which teachers can identify their strengths and weaknesses and draw inspiration from the perspectives of others.
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