Volunteering as a Contemporary Social Phenomenon


  • Beata Pituła Institute of Education and Communication, Silesian University of Technology
  • Barbara Grzyb Institute of Education and Communication, Silesian University of Technology
  • Katarzyna Wrzeszcz SCIENTA Science Club Student Institute of Education and Communication, Silesian University of Technology



Klíčová slova:

Volunteering, characteristics of its scope, activity of volunteers


Supporting a person in need in this changing and problematic social reality poses a challenge today for many non-governmental organisations. They activity, so important and unique, is usually pursued without remuneration for the people acting in the interest of others. This applies, first and foremost, to volunteering which, in the current difficult times, may be and is somewhat of an exam in humanity. The war in Ukraine as well as the unlimited constantly growing need for support for the refugees is the best example of that. This support/aid would not be possible without commitment of people of good will, public benefit organisations and, mainly, volunteers. Just as aid for the disabled members of the society, the elderly or organisation of many important and unique cultural, social, political or religious events would not be possible either. It must be noted that volunteering is definitely a valuable initiative, associating many a times many young people.  Morrow-Howell emphasised that interest in this form of social activity results most frequency from the convincing idea that volunteering not only strengthens the civil society, but also improves the life of many people at the same time. Enthusiasts point to the increasing human capital of the ageing population and call for increased involvement of volunteers - for the good of the society as a whole and improvement of the quality of life of those who require this support . Thus, questions arise with regard to the determinants of social engagement of young people and methods of promotion of this form of social activity. When looking for an answer to these questions, reference should be made to the analysis of the term "volunteering", characteristics of its scope and activity of volunteers.


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Jak citovat

Pituła, B., Grzyb, B., & Wrzeszcz, K. (2022). Volunteering as a Contemporary Social Phenomenon. DIAGNOSTIKA A PORADENSTVÍ V pomáhajících profesích, 6(1), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.58743/dap2022vol6no1.313