Role of recreative exercises in health support of diabetikers


  • Biljana Vitošević Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina – Leposavić(Kosovo&Metohia) Serbia
  • Jadranka Kocić Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina – Leposavić(Kosovo&Metohia) Serbia

Klíčová slova:

diabetes, bio- psycho-social well-being, physical activity, health improvement.


Exercising takes a significant place in the life of a contemporary human being, but it is also important the tool of prophylaxis and therapy for different health disorders. Physical exercise significantly increases functional and working abilities of organism, and thus increases general resistance of that organism. Taking into account that today, physical inactivity is considered to be the basic factor of the risk of many diseases, especially cardio-vascular, it is believed that regular physical activity represents a very important part of a healthy way of life of a modern human being.


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Jak citovat

Vitošević, B., & Kocić, J. (2016). Role of recreative exercises in health support of diabetikers. Acta Salus Vitae, 4(1). Získáno z



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