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Author Guidelines

We welcome high-quality scientific work that has not previously been published and that contains outputs that are beneficial and original. The journal publishes original research papers.  Papers are accepted only in English.

Article submission charge or Article processing charge is not required from authors, publishing in Acta Salus Vitae is free of charge.

Articles for publication should be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address of the editorial office, or online using the contribution submission system.

Guide for Authors

Before submitting your paper

Please make sure you adhere to the standards of publication ethics. You will find more information on ethics in publishing in our Publication ethics principles.

Please check your text for correct scientific English and try to eliminate possible grammatical and/or spelling errors. The journal doesn’t provide proofreading and any potential language lapses are a sole responsibility of the author(s). Only a standard proof is a part of post-review process.

A declaration of originality and a copyright transfer are part of the submission process.

Submission process

All papers are first assessed by editorial board.

Accepted papers are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers (peer reviewer principle).

The names and email addresses of potential reviewers should be part of submitting an article. Proposed reviewers should be independent with appropriate expertise on the subject of the paper and must not have the same affiliation as the author(s). The editors reserve the right to decide whether or not the proposed reviewers will be used.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Authors warrant that the submission is original, does not infringe any proprietary or copyright rights, and does not contain illegal content.
  • Authors are responsible for observing ethical principles during research work and publication of their results, especially for observing research ethics and citation ethics.
  • Authors warrant that they have had significant input into the content and preparation of the paper, and that they have seen and approve of the content, authorship, order of authors, and list of references.
  • Authors undertake to actively participate in the review process and to perform final author proofreading before publication.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Authors are required to provide the DOI identifier with cited references, if available. The DOI can be found with the article's full text, content, or article information on the journal's (publication's) or publisher's website.
  • The authors guarantee that the paper has not been published before, nor is it currently submitted to another journal for review, and if accepted by ASV, will not be submitted elsewhere.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.