Philosophical tools in self/education to wellnes


  • Miluše Kubíčková

Klíčová slova:

Humanity, love, teaching, education wellness


Studies field „Wellness specialist“ can be effective if it is founded on a philosophical bases corresponding with proper tools. Such suitable basis could be the anthroposophical conception of man, dealing with physical body as well as with other hidden components and parts as vitality, soul and spiritual core – Self, entelechies, genius, arches, etc. Anthroposophy, established at the beginning of 20th century by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, reminds Greek words: Anthropos (man) and Sophia (wisdom). Choosing of the anthroposophical science about man as the basis of this study and presentation of several corresponding kinetic methods as a possible inspiration university field of wellness specialisation was not accidental. It relates to the global recovery recollection of significant European person Rudolf Steiner, whose multifaceted link continues to evolve in favour of human progress. Also, this paper should be an act of recognition to Rudolf Steiner, to the great master of spirit.



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Jak citovat

Kubíčková, M. (2016). Philosophical tools in self/education to wellnes. Acta Salus Vitae, 4(1). Získáno z



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