Stimulation of association development in preschool period through movement


  • Juliana Jelovcan Faculty of Education University of Primorska Cankarjeva 56000 Koper Slovenia

Klíčová slova:

Childhood, play, associative grouping


 According WHO definition of the human health children’s development can be defined as conceptual changes in biological, psychological and social behaviour, when the development is a constant and dynamic process. The changes occur because of the growing-up process under the influence of experience and learning. Especially in the early period of the child's development exist very tight connection between physical and psychological development. The aim of the presented study is to analyse how influenced regularly provided physical activity on association’s skills of a child personality in preschool period. The purpose of the experiment is to research the associative grouping of 10 words on the theme fruit and sport. The selected words are: football, pear, cherries, swimming, banana, disabled sportsman, ball, athletics, apple, sports friendship. Which relations are mentioned by test subjects depends on the content of the stimulating word and on the knowledge of the person. The lower their knowledge is the more frequent super ordinate answers are. But if they have a lot of knowledge we expect subordinate answers to be more frequent.


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Jak citovat

Jelovcan, J. (2015). Stimulation of association development in preschool period through movement. Acta Salus Vitae, 3(1). Získáno z



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