Health benefits of the system "Yoga in Daily Life" in overweight control


  • Milada Krejčí College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic

Klíčová slova:

Yoga training, System “Yoga in Daily Life”, Overweight reduction, Age specifics, Gender specifics


 The scientific master system Yoga in Daily Life is authored by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, who is a living descendant of a long line of respected yogis. While completely true to the authentic tradition of classic Yoga, it is designed to meet the needs of our modern times. It is a holistic system of health, encompassing the science of body, mind, consciousness and soul. The design of this System offers gradual and steady development, regardless of the practitioner's age or physical condition. It is open to everyone. Regular and dedicated practice of Yoga in Daily Life will reap many benefits. All techniques have clear, guided, step-by-step instructions of the exercises with special instruction for specific health conditions. Among them are: Relaxation, Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation. All techniques effectively compensate physical and psychical tension, lack of movement, i.e. main factors of the post-modern life style initiated stress and an overload on nervous system. Negative consequences of the physical and psychical stress and tensions in the post-modern society are mainly nervous lability, sleeplessness, body changes and overweight. “Yoga in daily life” systematic training may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psycho-somatic resilience. In presented study the application and evaluation of yoga training in participants with overweight is reported. The aim of the study was to accomplish significant changes in overweight reduce of participants after the practice of training in the “Yoga in daily life system”. 400 volunteers (175 males, 225 females) in three age intervals (adolescents, middle age, seniors) participated in the study procedure. Before and after the interventional yoga program the participants were investigated in somatic and psychological tests, e.g. BMI, measuring of diameters of 10 skin folds with calipers, body-impedance, ultrasonic detection of abdomen, self-perception gamut, and the list of open sentences. Significant changes in the reduction of diameters of 10 skin folds were recorded in female and male ES after the yoga intervention. But in all age male ES were found the lower weight reducing and BMI decreasing compared to female ES. Analyses of self-perception after the yoga training in female ES and male ES documented same shift from anxiety to state fair, from depressive moods to vitality, from wrathfulness to humility, from fatigue to force and energy, from confusion and uncertainties to self–respect and self-esteem.  Statistics analyses in the study declare that yoga may be beneficial in overweight management in females and males. Regular practice of yoga training for a minimum of 3 months helped in successful weight reducing in analysed sample.


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Jak citovat

Krejčí, M. (2015). Health benefits of the system "Yoga in Daily Life" in overweight control. Acta Salus Vitae, 3(1). Získáno z



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