Bhagvad Gita – A discussion to positive and healthy thinking


  • Kailash Tuli Delhi University, Delhi, India


Various kinds of sermons were used by powerful personalities in spreading their message of peace and harmony to millions of people. Similarly Bhagavad Gita (shortly called Gita) is one of the very forceful sermon based scripture spoken by Krishna which, had the healing effect on Arjuna’s turbulent state of mind The concept of Sermon Oriented Therapy (SOT) is to make a proposition to therapists to use with creativity the concepts from ancient and contemporary time-tested sermons to heal the disturbed minds of the clients. This kind of innovative technique is not free from cultural background of the client, which the therapists need to be cautious in incorporating in their therapeutic approach. Use of examples and similar sermon based quotations, prose and verse and dialogues, would form the main component of the therapy. The goal would be to re-expose client to positive and healthy view of thinking, which is already deeply inculcated in his/her value system and psyche. In summary this refers the application of Gestalt therapy techniques empowered with effective sermons, especially borrowed and from authentic sermons tailored for the respected client.


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Tuli, K. (2015). Bhagvad Gita – A discussion to positive and healthy thinking. Acta Salus Vitae, 3(1). Získáno z



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