Phytochemical potential of blueberry from the view of health care prevention


  • Petr Petr Hospital České Budějovice, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology
  • Hana Kalová Hospital České Budějovice, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology
  • Brigita Janečková Hospital České Budějovice, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology
  • Miroslav Verner Hospital České Budějovice, Central Laboratories

Klíčová slova:

health prevention care; blueberry; mental functions; locomotor and physical functions; ageing.


Authors present contemporary knowledge and concepts concerning beneficial effects of the blueberry on human health. Effects on nervous system, on cognitive and sensory functions, and especially on locomotor functions are analysed. There are detailed contents of micronutrients in blueberry in relation to health. Importance of blueberry micronutrients is explained based on the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) value. The outline includes preventive as well as possible curative use of the traditional natural plant product in practice. Basic material is presented elucidating the existing interest in the blueberry accessible to public health. Efficacy of phytochemical substances in the blueberry due to their anti-oxidative potential are mentioned and discussed. Possible effects of the preparation on the efficacy of the blueberry intake in practice (phytochemical intake) are briefly discussed. Experimental verification of the importance of the substances comprised in the blueberry for health is concluded.


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Jak citovat

Petr, P., Kalová, H., Janečková, B., & Verner, M. (2015). Phytochemical potential of blueberry from the view of health care prevention. Acta Salus Vitae, 3(2). Získáno z



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