Application possibilities of exercise with balance training aids in patients after spinal surgery


  • Elena Žiaková Slovak Medical University, Trnavská cesta 52, 826 45 Bratislava, SK
  • Zuzana Garneková College for Nursing, Duškova 7, 150 00 Prague 5, CZ
  • Stanislava Klobucká Slovak Medical University, Trnavská cesta 52, 826 45 Bratislava, SK
  • Daniela Letšiová Slovak Medical University, Trnavská cesta 52, 826 45 Bratislava, SK

Klíčová slova:

balance training aids, deep muscle system, kinesiotherapy, lumbar spine.


The aim of this study is to detect efficiency of kinesiotherapy with balance training aids in patients after the lumbar spine surgery and also familiarization with the use of balancing aids in connection with the activation of the deep stabilization system. The examined group consisted of 50 probands after lumbar spine surgery divided into two heterogeneous groups. In the first group was applied kinesiotherapy without balancing aids and in the second group kinesiotherapy using balancing training aids. We compared the activation of the deep muscle system in the both groups using assessment tests before and after therapy. Evaluating the results, we can state that the unstable platforms may accelerate and improve the quality activation of the deep stabilization system compared to exercises on stable platforms. It means that kinesiotherapy on balance training aids becomes more efficient than exercise on stable platforms. It is suitable therapy and also possible prevention of the development and progression of functional and degenerative changes in the lumbar spine.


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Jak citovat

Žiaková, E., Garneková, Z., Klobucká, S., & Letšiová, D. (2014). Application possibilities of exercise with balance training aids in patients after spinal surgery. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2). Získáno z



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