Comparism of body posture evaluation and overweight in children age


  • Pavol Bartík Dept. of PE and Sport, Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University

Klíčová slova:

obesity, body posture, primary school, young children.


The author in his article solves the problems of correct body keeping of pupils with obesity at Primary school. The research sample was consisted from 30 pupils (15 boys and 15 girls) from schools in Banská Bystrica. For body posture evaluation of the pupils were used  two  Crampton´s tests: First test – facing to the  wall and Second test – back to the wall. We found out that 86.7% of tested boys and 73.3% of tested girls had incorrect body holding.


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Jak citovat

Bartík, P. (2014). Comparism of body posture evaluation and overweight in children age. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2). Získáno z



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