

  • Milada Krejčí College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague Czech Republic


The age average of the EU population is growing. But age, number of years, by itself does not say anything about the quality of living. The basic indicator should be the “healthy life period" – how many years, till which age a person is living in “wellness” opposite to “illness”. Technical progress significantly changes the quality of human life in a positive and negative sense. Consumerist lifestyle is characterized by overconsumption of different things and often their waste, neglect of the environment, lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of food (often unhealthy) and drugs (alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse and narcotics), noise, haste, restlessness and mental burden of too much stimuli and information.

A paradoxical phenomenon in the postmodern society is presented just in style, through which people life becomes to be shorter, in style which causes to premature health problems, to illnesses or even to premature death. The cause is ignorance. Sociologists warn that the “consumer society” is not only a kind of theoretical concept, but the actual state of so called “western culture”, which may be solved through acceptance of traditional "morally - ethical protection".  In the new number issue of the scientific journal “Acta Salus Vitae” the first two papers stress this crucial aspect.

Modern medical care can certainly contribute significantly to sustain health life and in the papers of physicians and physiotherapists are presented inspirational actual approaches. High attention is given to development of methodology indicators of population health in the international context over the past decade. In all articles in the actual number of the journal Acta Salus Vitae resounds in well harmony a focus of health literacy development, regular mental hygiene support, good judgment about harmonious contact with nature, the ability to communicate about health, realizing its value, it is possible, to maintain the health of the whole population.

Let me express, in the name of Acta Salus Vitae board, Society of Research in Wellness and in the name ofCollegeofPEand Sport Palestra, wishes to healthy, harmony and prosperous New Year 2015.




Jak citovat

Krejčí, M. (2014). Prologue. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2). Získáno z



ASV peer-reviewed articles