Literacy of recreational athletes about the influence of the environment on health and physical activity


  • Iveta Cimboláková Institute of PE and Sport University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice
  • Michal Trojčák Institute of PE and Sport University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice


Klíčová slova:

Environmental literacy, living conditions, health, environment, physical activity, symbiosis


Environmental literacy should be an important part of every state's strategy. It has been shown that the environmental burden caused by various contaminants gradually influences not only the overall health of the population through the occurrence of various chronic diseases but also limits the possibility of various outdoor physical activities. The aim of the presented study is to analyse the knowledge of recreational athletes about the issue of environmental risks, including contaminants affecting the environment in the Slovak Republic, their effect on health and physical activities. The partial goal was to analyse the interest of recreational athletes in education in the given issue. The findings present an interesting overall view of recreational athletes on a currently still understudied issue. This study can provide an initial insight into the issue for further investigation in the future. With regards to living conditions, environment, health, and physical activity, it is necessary to ponder and first of all to understand the relationship "state - cause - consequence"


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Jak citovat

Cimboláková, I., & Trojčák, M. (2023). Literacy of recreational athletes about the influence of the environment on health and physical activity. Acta Salus Vitae, 11(1), 5–15.



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