Současné trendy ve fitness cvičení a jejich význam pro wellness


  • Daniela Stackeová Katedra fyzioterapie, FTVS UK v Praze J. Martího 31, 162 52 Praha 6 - Veleslavín


The paper presents analysis of the current situation in fitness centers in the Czech Republic and their system of exercising which lacks suitable methodological background and concept. Due to specific development of fitness centers after 1989 that were built on bodybuilding training principles and their methods are now inappropriately applied to the entire range of current visitors of fitness centers who are not adequately prepared for that and most of all have different objectives including typically health, fitness and aesthetics. Wellness specialist should have an overview of procedures suitable for contemporary visitors of fitness and health centers, be informed about health benefits of physical activities and able to design an appropriate exercise program using exercise for fitness centers that are included in wellness programs.


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Jak citovat

Stackeová, D. (2015). Současné trendy ve fitness cvičení a jejich význam pro wellness. Acta Salus Vitae, 1(1). Získáno z



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