Relationship of teacher and student in school physical education


  • Jiří Michal Katedra telesnej výchovy a športu, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela

Klíčová slova:

Physical Education, attitudes of students towards PE, teachers strictness, physical activity.


The aim of our research is to determine the attitudes of students towards  physical education and sports activities during the study on secondary  school for secondary school students, as well as the identification of the main factors for the learning process of students attitudes to physical education and sport. As the main method of our research, we used the questionnaire method, as it is one of the most important methods of social research. We chose it with respect to the number of respondents. Although the strictness of teacher and exactly defined the conditions for students to influence their attitudes. The strictness of the teacher is a positive factor. Students with strict teachers show positive attitudes to sport and physical education as students in which the teacher is not strict. 


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Jak citovat

Michal, J. (2014). Relationship of teacher and student in school physical education. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(1). Získáno z



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