Stress management in young female sportsmen through breath and movement synchronizing


  • Milada Krejčí College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague Czech Republic
  • Kailash Tuli
  • Barbora Krásová

Klíčová slova:

Stress management; breathing regulation; yoga techniques; female players; water polo.


There are basic conditions of high quality vitality and effective stress management. Specificity of easy yoga practicing is the active correction of movement stereotypes, positives influence on muscle and mental tensions and synchronizing of breath and movement, which results in harmony state of mind. Basic yoga breathing techniques lead to breathing control and breathing capacity development.  These techniques relatively easy can be trained. The objective of study was to test psycho-training methods on base of yoga techniques which can demonstrate benefits of breathing exercises in sportsmen, concretely to determine the individual indicators in different positions and exercises in junior female players of water polo. The research sample consisted of 10 female water polo players of the Czech junior national team in the age of 14 - 16 years. In the study was used a survey research instrument Biofeedback Shuhfried x-pert 2000, and provided testing through the POMS (Profile of Mood States) test. Intervention program was realised in 12 weeks. After the intervention program significant positive changes in emotional states of participants have been found. After completion of the intervention program was again carried out an expert examination. All participants have acquired full yogic breathing and mastered breath regulation according stress situation. The hypothesis was verified.


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Jak citovat

Krejčí, M., Tuli, K., & Krásová, B. (2014). Stress management in young female sportsmen through breath and movement synchronizing. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(1). Získáno z



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