Application of the dns method for improving running technique


  • Eva Nechlebová College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague Czech Republic
  • Mirek Touška College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague Czech Republic


Klíčová slova:

Running; running technique; diaphragm; dynamic neuromuscular stabilization; posture; stabilization; developmental kinesiology.


This paper focuses on the use of the DNS method for improving technique in hobby runners and cross-country skiers. DNS is a neurophysiological concept based on the principles of developmental kinesiology, Prof. Kolář has extended these principles with an exercise and rehabilitation approach. This method uses both theoretical knowledge in diagnosis (examination, testing, movement analysis) and practical skills in subsequent treatment, correction and training of movement stereotypes. The main objective was the application of DNS to improve the running technique. Several sub-tasks were related to this goal, verifying the expected postural improvement in probands and checking whether the results were better in males or females. Several methods were used to obtain the data. The main method to determine running technique was diagnostics in the Salming RunLab. This was followed by a DNS test, which was followed by a DNS method exercise. The six-month plan was followed by a comparison of running technique through observation. Statistical results were processed using a two-sample paired t-test for the mean. The statistical results showed that there was no improvement in running technique, but when the running technique was compared before and after the DNS method exercise, there was an improvement, and the exercise also contributed to improved posture and a better feeling of running. Although the results are not clearly measurable, the DNS method has an effect on running technique, women are more disciplined in relation to exercising at home and enjoy the DNS method more than men. The DNS method has produced results not only in terms of sport but also in terms of improving the probands' sense of well-being when performing daily activities, leading to an improvement in their quality of life.



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Jak citovat

Nechlebová, E., & Touška, M. (2021). Application of the dns method for improving running technique. Acta Salus Vitae, 9(1), 5–13.



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