Social efficiency increasing in physical culture and health-improving work with the population based on the integration of physical and spiritual development


  • Michail Rasin Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk


Klíčová slova:

Project activities in the field of physical culture; Integration of physical culture and spiritual development; Organization and technology of physical culture and public health.


The paper presents an original approach to the development of the mass character of the systematic involvement of the population in physical exercises and “Sport for all” with the main idea to create the integration program focused on “physical – spiritual” development. Against the background of the development of “Sport for All” and various forms of physical education development in population, many problems remain that impede the active involvement in the use of physical exercises in organizing a healthy lifestyle and in practicing of sports activities. In this situation, the most effective way is to use the project approach in developing activities, plans and programs based on original ideas to solve the problems of developing mass participation. This approach is built on a logical scheme: “goals-methods-forms-means”. Based on detailed analysis it is possible to create real ideas, the theoretical basis of organizational and managerial activity. Based on the development and implementation of projects: "Irtysh Coast" and "Walking along the history of the city" results have been achieved in increasing the number of people engaged in physical culture in parallel with the formation of value orientations among people of different ages in spiritual and cultural development. Pedagogical observations made it possible to formulate the presentation of the approach as a new "paradigm" in the organization of physical culture movement with a higher social efficiency of physical education of the population.




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Jak citovat

Rasin, M. (2020). Social efficiency increasing in physical culture and health-improving work with the population based on the integration of physical and spiritual development. Acta Salus Vitae, 8(2), 28–34.



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