Evaluation of quality of life of seniors with degenerative spinal cord disorders


  • Bartosz Bolach University School of Physical Education and Sport in Wroclaw, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Poland
  • Eugeniusz Bolach University School of Physical Education and Sport in Wroclaw, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Poland
  • Marta Stępień-Słodkowska University of Szczecin, Faculty of Physical Culture and Health, Poland
  • Zuzana Kornatovská University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Education, Czech Republic



Klíčová slova:

Degenerative spinal disorders; Quality of life; Seniors; SF-36 questionnaire.


The goal of the research was to assess the quality of life of the seniors with degenerative spinal disorders. The research was conducted on 71 seniors with diagnosed degenerative spinal disorders, among them 33 women (46%) and 38 men (54%). The age of the subjects was in the range from 60 to 75 years. The questionnaire SF-36 was used to evaluate the indicators of the quality of life. The diminished quality of life was felt most strongly in the areas of general health (73%), vitality (62%) and physical activities (56%). Least affected were social activities (25%). The subjects perceived the reduced quality of life more in the physical dimension than in the mental dimension (58%). Spinal degenerative disorders had the biggest impact on the general sense of wellbeing in monitored seniors. They lowered vitality level and hampered physical activities. The least affected was the perceived quality of life in the area of social activities, and the assessment of the quality of life was independent of the subjects’ sex.


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Jak citovat

Bolach, B., Bolach, E., Stępień-Słodkowska, M., & Kornatovská, Z. (2020). Evaluation of quality of life of seniors with degenerative spinal cord disorders. Acta Salus Vitae, 8(1), 4–17. https://doi.org/10.58743/asv2020vol8no1.221



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