Attitude to wellness and health life style in modern Russian society


  • Yuriy Zverev Institute of Rehabilitation and Human Health of Lobachevsky State University of N. Novgorod, Russia.


Klíčová slova:

Health life style; Wellness; Public awareness; Russian Federation


There is a strong trend of increased popularity of various forms of health related behaviour and the culture of responsible attitude to wellness and health life style in modern Russian society. The major aim of the present study was to assess the awareness of residents of one of the Federal districts of the Russian Federation about the importance of wellness for human life. The investigation included possible effects of gender, age, educational level, residence on the view of people on importance of wellness. It was conducted in the Volga Federal District. Stratified random sampling method was used for the selection of responders and data collection of 933 respondents (422 males; 511 females) in 3 age groups (20-39 years; 40-59 years; 60 years and above) was realised. The diagnostic tool "WellAwarIn" questionnaire included 10 items was used. The questions targeted five areas: association of wellness and health; wellness in workplace; incorporation of wellness activities in daily life; preferences for wellness procedures; obstructions to implement wellness in daily life. The primary data were analysed using a percent of responses. The percent of responses were calculated for the total sample as well as for the subsamples of responders according to gender, age group, educational level and residence. Pearson correlation coefficient or Cramer non-parametric correlation were used for dependency analysis between responses and independent variables The results declare a tendency of males to associate wellness with active forms of health related behaviour (fitness, sports) while females with relaxation, fitness and massage. Significantly more females tended to practice outdoor activities and healthy diet while males, more males than females reported some type of workplace wellness and health related issues support and benefits. Significantly more males than females reported that they incorporate some wellness activities to daily life.



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Jak citovat

Zverev, Y. (2020). Attitude to wellness and health life style in modern Russian society. Acta Salus Vitae, 8(1), 57–74.



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