Does an articulation of movement patterns exist?


  • Miroslav Tichý College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague Czech Republic

Klíčová slova:

skeletal muscle, locomotion, joint stabilization


Presented paper aims to introduce a new view on skeletal muscle function. Clinical experience shows that skeletal muscles located around one joint do not behave uniformly. Some of them play probably major role during movement (locomotion), the others take part dominantly in joint stabilization. Literature overview results in following conclusions: a) it is evident from anatomical textbooks that each skeletal muscle moves his joint around all movement axes available during natural (unconscious) movements, b) biomechanical studies show that each joint has its typical pattern of physiological movement. The pattern consists of characteristic simultaneous combination of movements around individual movement axes. Concurrently flexion and extension variant of the pattern can be distinguished. c) EMG studies show that muscles have different electrical activity during voluntary contraction. On the base of foregoing information, we can hypothetically assume that human body does not use all possible joint movement combinations during natural movements but it prefers only some of them. That is why we can divide the skeletal muscles surrounding a joint into two subgroups – pattern and not pattern muscles. The pattern muscles take part mainly in movement (locomotion). They provide either flexion or extension variant of natural movements. Not pattern muscles work in both variants simultaneously. They include movements from both joint patterns. That is why they play their main role in joint stabilization.


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Jak citovat

Tichý, M. (2019). Does an articulation of movement patterns exist?. Acta Salus Vitae, 7(2), 21–28. Získáno z



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