Quality of life in people with diabetes type II with respect to their physical activity


  • Bartosz Bolach Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu Katedra Sportu Osób Niepełnosprawnych Wydział Nauk o Sporcie
  • Anna Żurowska
  • Justyna Młynek
  • Eugeniusz Bolach

Klíčová slova:

Quality of life; patients with type II diabetes; physical activity; the Questionnaire of quality of life SF - 36.


The term quality of life is used to assess the status and functioning of human being. Aim of the study is to assess the quality of life in patients with type II diabetes undertaking physical activity and to demonstrate correlations between quality of life and  participation length in organized forms of PE. Two group of patients took part in the examination. In the first group there were twenty people suffering from type II diabetes who have been performing physical activity for two years. The second group  consisted of 20 subjects performing physical activity for 2-4 years. The subjects answered the Questionnaire of quality of life SF - 36. The research revealed statistically significant differences in quality of life only on the level of phisycal functioning and emotional limits. Study results have also shown that the durationt of the disease did not have any influence on quality of life in both examined groups. It was hypothized that the reason for such results were coexisting diseases associated with diabetes. Regarding vital energy the reason for the insignificance could have been the age range.


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Jak citovat

Bolach, B., Żurowska, A., Młynek, J., & Bolach, E. (2013). Quality of life in people with diabetes type II with respect to their physical activity. Acta Salus Vitae, 1(2). Získáno z https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/article/view/19



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