Level of awareness, understanding and implementation of the wellness concept in Poland


  • Katarzyna Torzyńska Ph. D University School of Physical Education Wroclaw, Poland
  • Krystyna Boroń-Krupińska Ph. D University School of Physical Education Wroclaw, Poland
  • Robin Jirásko College of PE and Sport PALESTRA Prague, Czech Republic

Klíčová slova:

Wellness concept in Poland, Awarenes about wellness, concepts of wellness


In this article, we present general reports on the understanding and ways of realizing the concept of wellness in Poland. We would like to point out the main directions of development of services related to the concept of wellness and good practices in Polish education. We also present a brief summary of the research carried out in Poland regarding the diagnosis of the level of Poles' awareness of the concept of wellness, depending on their gender, age and disability.  Based on the available literature and our research, we conclude that despite the fact that the number of receivers of welnnes services in Poland is growing, it is necessary to educate Polish society in the scope of the correct definition of the concept of wellness, which belongs to the basic scope of pro-health activities falling within the broad concept of public health.


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Jak citovat

Torzyńska Ph. D, K., Boroń-Krupińska Ph. D, K., & Jirásko, R. (2018). Level of awareness, understanding and implementation of the wellness concept in Poland. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(1), 18–28. Získáno z https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/article/view/151



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