An exploration of resilience, spirituality and post traumatic growth in the face of trauma


  • Waheeda Khan SGT University

Klíčová slova:

Post traumatic growth, Resilience, Spirituality, Trauma 


Traumatic events acquire both negative and positive qualities that reflect a person’s life. The negative side includes psychopathologies and the positive side includes transformation in lifestyle. The focus of the present research is to explore the positive transformation of females experiencing trauma as a result of Breast Cancer, Sexual Abuse and Spousal Bereavement. It was hypothesised that there would be significant group differences among the three traumas on the measure of Post traumatic growth, Resilience, Spirituality and also to examine their relationship. The data was collected using purposive sampling method and the size of the total sample was 90 (i.e. 30 females in each group). A three group design was followed where Post traumatic growth inventory by Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996) and Spirituality and Resilience Assessment Packet by Kass and Kass (2000) was administered on the three groups of trauma to meet the objectives. The results revealed significant differences between the groups indicating breast cancer cases mean scores to be highest. Also, significant positive relations were found between the variables, supporting positive growth in the sample. Overall, it can be concluded that an increase in the above factors is associated with self-reported positive life changes over time. Further research on related topics, based on the findings of the present and other studies, will undoubtedly advance our understanding of the positive psychological changes following breast cancer, sexual abuse and spousal bereavement.


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Khan, W. (2018). An exploration of resilience, spirituality and post traumatic growth in the face of trauma. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(1), 4–17. Získáno z



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