Asylum system in Slovakia


  • Pavol Kopinec Department of Social Work Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava

Klíčová slova:

Asylum, Refugees, Refugee Children, Protection


The Slovak Republic was confronted with the phenomenon of migration and refugee issues shortly after the revolution in 1989. Although, the first refugees began to flow into the country from the second half of 1990.  First influx of refugees led to the need to develop asylum legislation and to set the basics rules of the immigration and asylum policy. Special focus should be given to refugee children, especially those  between age 13 to 18, who are one of the most vulnerable in this group, because they are many times regarded as adults or foreigners and not first as children.


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Jak citovat

Kopinec, P. (2018). Asylum system in Slovakia. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(1), 51–57. Získáno z



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