Aspects of providing of humanitarian assistance in the Slovak Republic


  • Vladimír Masaryk Central Military Hospital Ružomberok
  • Monika Mačkinová Department of Social Work, Pedagogical Faculty,Comenius University in Bratislava

Klíčová slova:

humanitarian aid, treat, humanity


Humanitarian aid is thus directed to the most vulnerable people of our planet. Is an expression of respect and humanity with people who are in crisis situations, is a manifestation of saving of lives as well as manifestation in the provision of provided humanitarian aid. The main aspect of humanitarian aid is to alleviate human suffering and misfortune of the people who were affected, either due to natural and other disasters or they become victims of various crises that which were cause by human errors, in different, life-threatening areas.


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Matyšák, P., Tůma, J. (2015). Komparácia komplexnej sociálnej a zdravotnej starostlivosti o rómov na Slovensku a v Rakúsku. In Vizualizácia sociálnej práce I. Sládkovičovo: Vysoká škola Danubius, Fakulta sociálnych štúdií, 2015, s. 287-303. ISBN 978-80-8167-024-4.




Jak citovat

Masaryk, V., & Mačkinová, M. (2016). Aspects of providing of humanitarian assistance in the Slovak Republic. Acta Salus Vitae, 4(2), 1–7. Získáno z



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