The relations of coordination and artistic gymnastics compulsories in physical education


  • Dragana Aleksic University in Pristina with temporal base in Leposavić Faculty of Sports and Physical Education
  • Vesco Milenkovic University in Pristina with temporal base in Leposavić Faculty of Sports and Physical Education


coordination, motor abilities, motor and theoretical knowledge, physical activities of PE and Sport students, anthropological status


The subject of research is motor abilities of coordination. Coordination, as the basic motor ability, is very complex, as the levels of the movement regulation can change. In addition, the regulation includes energetic mechanisms as well as mechanisms of simple structuring of movement. The appropriate level of coordination is necessary during each motor activity. Size and character of coordination depend mostly on a kind of activity and on forms  of  the  specific  ability  demonstration, when  specific  branch  or  discipline  is concerned.  The  research  included  the  deliberate  and  specially  selected  sample  of examinees, who are defined as physical education female students. The sample included the two complete generations of third year female students (n=34) at the Faculty of Physical Education, the University of Pristine. For  all the variables,  which  are  the  subject  of  the  research,  the  basic,  descriptive,  statistical parameters were established. The multi-variant procedures were used in the research.


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How to Cite

Aleksic, D., & Milenkovic, V. (2014). The relations of coordination and artistic gymnastics compulsories in physical education. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2).