Analysis of morphological characteristics of PE female students


  • Dragana Aleksic University in Pristina with temporal base in Leposavić Faculty of Sports and Physical Education
  • Jadranka Kocic Faculty of Physical Education , University of Pristine – Leposavic
  • Vesko Milenkovic University in Pristina with temporal base in Leposavić Faculty of Sports and Physical Education


sportsmen, body structure, body mass, females, gymnastics


The knowledge about the interest and the importance of knowing the structure of human body dates from the distant past. When sportsmen and sport are taken into consideration, it should be mentioned that Philostratus Flavius wrote down in 300 A.D., that persons who go in for physical activities must have an appropriate structure of the body, if they want to achieve certain success in those activities. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine some serious planning of any kind of mobile activity without having the knowledge of the morphological structure, its influence on a given activity, as well as the influence of that activity on the development of the morphological characteristics. The specific system of basic anthropometrical latent dimensions is usually considered as morphological characteristics of anthropological status of man. A certain   number   of   factors   were   identified, based   on   numerous   researches of morphological space.  Those factors gave the initial information about the specific structure of the morphological dimensions. The four basic factors, which determine the morphological structure of man, were identified. Those factors are: the longitudinal dimensions of the skeleton, the transversal dimensions of the skeleton, body volume and body mass, the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The information about the structure of the morphological characteristics is very important when their transformations are taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

Aleksic, D., Kocic, J., & Milenkovic, V. (2014). Analysis of morphological characteristics of PE female students. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2).