Focus on Knowledge Management from zeitgeist perspective


  • Kailash Tuli Ex-Professor, OB & HRM, IILM Institute for Higher Education


Knowledge Management (KM), Zeitgeist, Culture of Education (CoK), Knowledge Sharing (KS)


Knowledge Management (KM) in the second decade of 21st century holds far more significance than at any other point in the history of human development. Drucker (1993) calls this century as the “Age of Knowledge and empowerment of Knowledge societies”. The application of tremendous technological activities in the domain of software, communication, Internet, video-conferencing and Knowledge Sharing (KS) has brought focus of attention to a society, what Peter Drucker had termed as “Knowledge Societies”. In Harvard Business Review, Drucker floats the concept of ‘Knowledge Societies’ and emphasizes that future societies would be judged by power of knowledge, which people possess. Knowledge would be power and force of survival. “Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.” Contemporary world is an ocean of knowledge, but therein we also need to know how to sail in that. There are many zones which are charted yet many remain uncharted and that is a challenge for the human intellect to explore and envisage in that. Knowledge pool appears to be brimming to its fullness but another critical academic peep would indicate that we have yet to know many gaps in knowledge.


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How to Cite

Tuli, K. (2014). Focus on Knowledge Management from zeitgeist perspective. Acta Salus Vitae, 2(2).