Moral development in teaching aikido to children aged 6-16 years


  • Martin Snopek College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic



Aikido; ethics; moral development; personal and social education.


The objective of the presented study was to prove the suitability of the martial art of aikido, as means of personal and social education for the formation of moral and ethical values and attitudes of an individual at school age. The research was conducted on a sample of disciples aged 8-15 years from the school of martial arts “Ronin Dojo”. Diagnostic methods: for one month, observations were made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to monitor participant's activities and behavior towards the authority of the instructor and among themselves. After the period of observation, the self - designed questionnaire, divided in two parts: „Questionnaire for children“, and „Questionnaire for parents“, was applied. Statistical analysis was performed in a qualitative manner, based on frequency analysis. The results elucidates the benefit of aikido to the creation of moral and ethical values and attitudes in the participants. By comparing the results of observation of an influence of the martial art aikido on the children who engage in the activity and their parents, i.e. those who in most cases led them to this activity, we point out the importance of both of these views and their interconnectedness. At the same time, the results demonstrate the connection and harmony of the club's cooperation with the family and thus a positive impact on children's development. The synergistic effect, which is evident from the cooperation, has a much greater positive benefit on the child than its individual components, i.e. than the very influence of the family or the very influence of the club.



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How to Cite

Snopek, M. (2021). Moral development in teaching aikido to children aged 6-16 years. Acta Salus Vitae, 9(1), 45-50.