Analyse of selected lifestyle indicators of top rowers in adolescent age
Circadian rhythms, Juvenile athletes; Performance; Rowing; Top-level sport, Wellness lifestyle.Abstract
The study was realised within the international research project W/VSP/161/ I “Basic research of circadian determinants of lifestyle and performance of Japanese and Czech athletes and non-athletes”. The objective of the study was to analyse selected lifestyle indicators, including circadian habits, of top rowers in adolescent age with focus on their sport performance support. The group of 50 top rowers in the age range of 15 - 20 years was involved in the survey. The measurements were realised in laboratories of the scientific and service workplace of physical education and sport CASRI in Prague. Exploratory methods were used for diagnostics, i.e. "Weekly schedule of athlete's activities", "Questionnaire of life rhythms and sleep regime" and questionnaire "Healthy lifestyle and regeneration of athlete". Following methods were used for statistical data analysis: Spearman´s correlation coefficient, Student's t-test, one-factor ANOVA, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Fischer's exact test. Results analyses shown that the top rowers in adolescent age are predominantly early morning types, which is desirable in terms of performance support and sleep regeneration. The results also show that the monitored group of athletes shows signs of health promotion as recommended for juvenile top athletes’ healthy lifestyle, their daily rhythms and habits are well-set, which may indicate an excellent educational guidance of coaches and parents. Only some reserves in the regular inclusion of compensatory exercises in the daily routine of monitored juvenile athletes were found.
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