Verification of the four-week intervention program "life in balance" in a selected group of seniors in the online environment during the covid-19 pandemic


  • Markéta Stránská College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, spol. s.r.o.
  • Zora Jandová College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Milada Krejčí College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic



Breathing techniques; Covid-19 pandemic; educational video; elderly 65 ; yoga exercises.


The study was realised within the project GAČR 17–25710S „Basic research of changes in the balance of seniors“. The main goal of the study was to verify the four-week intervention program "Life in Balance" in a selected group of senior females in an online environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. The partial goal was to determine the effects of relaxation after exercise at the bio-psycho-social level based on selected methods. The research was carried out in accordance with the above project. According the intervention method “Life in Balance” focused on elderly persons 65+ (origin of the project GAČR 17–25710S 4) four educational videos of 35 to 40 minutes were develop. The research survey was attended by 7 females aged 65 -79 years. The common feature of the monitored group was the age over 65 years, residence in Prague and no or minimal experience with yoga practice. The following diagnostic methods were used: scenario, educational videos and two standardized questionnaires (POMS and SF-36), which were applied before and after the intervention. Results proved positive changes in all monitored dimensions of POMS. There was a significant increase in the vitality score of the monitored subjects. Positive significant changes in the subjective assessment SF-36 were found in physical, mental and social balance scores in monitored subjects. It may be to recommend the intervention program "Life in Balance" for the work of wellness specialists and other experts which work professionally with elderly 65+, and for the next research observation.

Author Biography

  • Markéta Stránská, College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, spol. s.r.o.

    master's degree graduate


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How to Cite

Stránská, M., Jandová, Z., & Krejčí, M. (2021). Verification of the four-week intervention program "life in balance" in a selected group of seniors in the online environment during the covid-19 pandemic. Acta Salus Vitae, 9(1), 25-34.