Active life style in senior age - How to live healthily and wisely – longevity in a good european style


  • Krystyna Górna-Łukasik The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice
  • Marzena Grzybowska The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice



Elderly; Physical Activities; Sport for seniors; Rehabilitation; Jan Ślężyński; Wellness.


The aim of the presented study is to analyse and evaluate the significance of the lifelong contribution of prof. Jan Ślężyński for the support of active lifestyle in senior age, especially how he copes with the difficult aspects of old age - how to live healthily and wisely in a context of health support and wellness in European style. The partial goal is to capture autobiographical attributes in the context of the chosen topic. Methods as: Case study method; Content analysis; Hysteresis; Descriptive analysis were applied. Regular physical activity in senior age prevents atrophy of muscle as well as muscle strength and cardiorespiratory function. The risk of premature death with a change from a sedentary lifestyle to a physically active life is a prerequisite for a long and healthy life. During the active life style promoting human health through properly applied movement, prof. Jan Ślężyński represents the importance of an active lifestyle in senior age as a prerequisite for a long and healthy life.



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How to Cite

Górna-Łukasik, K., & Grzybowska, M. (2020). Active life style in senior age - How to live healthily and wisely – longevity in a good european style. Acta Salus Vitae, 8(2), 56-69.