Wellness: Its origins, theories and current applications in the United States


  • Jana Stará Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
  • Michal Charvát Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University


Wellness, holistic health, workplace wellness, wellness coaching, wellness tourism.


In the Czech setting, wellness is known as a synonym of spa facilities, but the former concept of wellness, as it evolved in USA in the 70´s, is a holistic model of health which serves as an alternative to traditional perception of human health. Knowledge of the origins, former theories and current application of wellness is necessary for healthy development of this industry, not only in the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite

Stará, J., & Charvát, M. (2013). Wellness: Its origins, theories and current applications in the United States. Acta Salus Vitae, 1(2). https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/article/view/23