Measuring mindfulness in adolescence: Literature review
mindfulness, measure, adolescence, literature reviewAbstract
Mindfulness in adolescents can be measured by many self-report inventories, scales and questionnaires. Our literature review summarizes most of the existing measurements. Search strategy was to use main electronic databases related to this field. Articles had to met selected criteria e.g. age of target group, text in english language and academic conditions. Final number of the instruments was seventeen included in thirty seven articles. Measures contain from 10 to 39 items, the most time-consuming psychodiagnostic tool takes 15 minutes. Measures can be sorted by the “times cited“ condition according to Web of Science. The review uses a superficial approach as the aim was to submit total enumeration of tools including new measures based on older. Existing self-report measures of mindfulness for adolescents can be helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions.
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