Identification characteristics of the intervention method “life in balance” focused on seniors 65+


  • Milada Krejčí College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Václav Hošek College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic


Aging; Bio-psycho-social balance; Health; Programing; Reliability; Validity.


The paper presents selected identification characteristics as a part of the analysed results from the project "Basic research of balance changes in seniors” carried out in support by the Czech Science Foundation - project GAČR ID 17-25710S in 2017 - 2018. The paper aim is to identify main characteristics of the intervention method “Life in Balance” in the context of social and corporate validity and reliability. The authors consider that such approach is essential for the holistic concept of bio-psycho-social balance as the main gnostic moment of the research project. In the intervention 315 seniors 65+ (73 males; 242 females) participated according research ethic rules. First all participants received complete information about the research process and they signed the agreement with the participation in the study. The content of the research has been examined also by the Ethic committee of College of PE and Sport PALESTRA, which judged the research study as appropriate from ethic view of point. It is argued that main found indicators are relevance, valid, representative and measurable. There are presented results which forms the basis for further research analyse of the project. Presented results show that seniors are able to harmonize life situations productively and efficiently, if an effective programing for them is given.

Acknowledgement: Realization of the paper is supported by the Czech Science Foundation - project GAČR ID 17-25710S “Basic research of balance changes in seniors”.


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How to Cite

Krejčí, M., & Hošek, V. (2018). Identification characteristics of the intervention method “life in balance” focused on seniors 65+. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(2), 45-54.