Adapted physical activity in children with kyphosis postural disorders


  • Velichka Aleksandrova Sport Academy Vasil Levski, Sophia Faculty of Physiotherapy, Touristic and Sport animation.
  • Stoyan Bahchevanski Sport Academy Vasil Levski Sophia, Faculty of Kinesiotherapy
  • Zuzana Kornatovská University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Education.


Adapted physical activity; vertebral distortion; aqua-gymnastics.


Incorrect body position will produce lasting side effects. One of the conditions for the right posture is keeping straight. The complexity of the problem is determined not only by the widespread prevalence of the disease affecting the child's organism. The aim of the present study is to analyse the impact of the adapted physical activity and aqua gymnastic on the proper body posture, physical development and psycho-emotional state of children with kyphosis postural disorders. The material of study consisted of 14 children (7 males, 7 females in the age interval 8 – 12 years, age average 10.2) selected in experimental sample (ES) and control sample (CS). It was applied the aqua-gymnastics intervention as the main methodological tool to restore the correct body posture, during standing position and during walk, in the experimental sample. The applied intervention can be recommended to experts working with children as physiotherapists, coaches, health educators.


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How to Cite

Aleksandrova, V., Bahchevanski, S., & Kornatovská, Z. (2018). Adapted physical activity in children with kyphosis postural disorders. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(2), 15-23.