What do Czech ninth-graders drink to stay hydrated?


  • Jana Kočí Faculty of Wellness The College of Physical Education and Sport PALESTRA


Drinking regimen, preferred beverages, consumption frequency, elementary school, school aged children, nutritional habits, health promotion.


Some people believe we were born into the unhealthiest time over the human evolution. Some people believe we build nutrition lifestyle that slowly but surely kills the humanity. But here is one fact to keep on our minds: nutrition is not just about food. Hydration plays a big role in our nutrient and calorie intake and a massive role on a quality of our health. The average adult human body is 50 65% water, averaging around 58 60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 76 78% water, dropping to 65% by each year of age. Hydration is particularly important for adolescents as they have higher water requirements in relation to their body weight than adults. Dehydration in children not only causes health disharmony but can also negatively impact one’s success at school often attributed to the children disability over the improper hydration. School aged children not drinking enough of water suffer with poor concentration, fatigue and headaches over the school days and can build up to kidney disease in the long term matter. School environment is one of the most influential areas for children to develop healthy behaviors. Nutrition education programing has a great potential to shape school aged children’s behavior the desired way. But in matter to know how, we need to get to examine current dietary habits as close as possible. A survey instrument that focuses on nutrition related behavior of school aged children was developed and validated and current nutritional habits of ninth-graders (n= 1 028) across the south bohemia county in Czech Republic were analyzed. The data were transferred into SPPS analytical program and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and focused on habits related to hydration of school aged children. According the research 65% of respondents don’t drink as much beverages as the Nutritional recommendations for the Czech Republic regarding children and adolescents. It was found that one fifth of examined students never drink water and there is at least one student at an average school class consuming alcohol and energy drinks every day.


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How to Cite

Kočí, J. (2018). What do Czech ninth-graders drink to stay hydrated?. Acta Salus Vitae, 6(2), 24–30. Retrieved from https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/article/view/164