Zdravotně postižení a wellness


  • Jaroslav Potměšil


Disability, wellness, physical activity, quality of life, integration.


Wellness programs are very modern and highly provided. The question is whether it is suitable for people with disabilities. The programs as designed are definitely suitable. Although sometimes they are presented primarily as "search of personal well-being."

People with disabilities due to their handicap must overcome many difficulties. This is not possible without their active participation and multiple repetition, what can be fully applied to all types of disabilities.

Therefore it is necessary to design programs to possibly reduce the disability and prepare all preconditions for the gradual integration into society.


HELLER, J., POTMĚŠIL, J. Zdravotní přínos sportu u paraplegiků. In Tilinger, P., Rychecký, A., Perič, T. (eds.) Sport v ČR na počátku nového tisíciletí. Praha : FTVS UK, 2001.

JESENSKÝ, J. Kontrapunkty integrace zdravotně postižených. Folia Paed. Spec. I. Praha : UK, 1995.

POTMĚŠIL, J. Pohybové aktivity jako prostředek integrace. In Jesenský, J. (ed.) Integrace, znamení doby. Folia Paed. Spec. II. Praha : UK, 1998.

POTMĚŠIL, J. Motivace k provádění sportu u tělesně postižených osob. In Perič, T. (ed.) Společenské problémy kinantropologie. Praha : FTVS UK, 2000.



How to Cite

Potměšil, J. (2013). Zdravotně postižení a wellness. Acta Salus Vitae, 1(1). Retrieved from https://odborne.casopisy.palestra.cz/index.php/actasalusvitae/article/view/13


