Sport as an essential part of youth wellness


  • Adam Kyselica FMP Sports Agency s.r.o.
  • Gabriela Bojanovská FMP Sports Agency s.r.o.



Sport, organized sport, youth, motivation, drop-out


This article examines the motivation of youth to participate in organized sport, and conversely, also explores the reasons for youth dropping out of organized sport. Along with motivation, the article also examines the numbers and percentages of youth who attend organized sport, who had been part of but no longer continue in organized sport and who has never been in organized sport. The data were collected by an online questionnaire that was distributed to primary schools and first grade of gymnasiums.


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How to Cite

Kyselica, A., & Bojanovská, G. (2023). Sport as an essential part of youth wellness. Acta Salus Vitae, 11(2), 47–54.